Ecard Magic is an application which allows users to create electronic cards to congratulate their friends with many different holidays such as Christmas, New Year and St. Valentine’s Day. This application is a nice solution for those who want to congratulate friends with the help of the electronic card, but at the same time want to select different picture, music or text for every friend.
Interface of the program seems to be a little bit overloaded, but actually it is pretty easy to start working with the program. The process of card’s creating and sending includes seven steps, so you just need to follow step by step. First step makes you select cover picture, the program suggests a library of pictures but you can select your own images (this application supports such formats as JPG, TIF, GIF, JFIF, BMP and many others). Then you need to select a midi melody for your card (playback is available). At the third stage you need to choose greeting background. Then you pass to literal and audio section. Here you can record audio for your card. Audio can be saved in MP3, WMA, WAV and OGG formats. At this stage you also need to add text to your card. You can edit font, style, color and size of the text. The fifth step is adding contacts to the contact list. For every contact you need to enter Name, Nickname and E-mail. The sixth stage is building of a card. The last step helps you to send your card.